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Sick Leave Bank (Nonexempt & Administrative Support & Service Staff)

Section 507

The college has established a Sick Leave Bank for eligible non-exempt/administrative support and service staff members who are absent from work for an extended period of time due to a non-work-related disability.


If you have been employed at the college for a minimum of 12 consecutive months in a regular position of half time or more, you are eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Bank. 

If you hold a limited-term position which exceeds three years, you are eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Bank on the same terms and guidelines as employees holding regular positions, provided the paid sick leave is taken prior to the end of the appointment.

If you have been employed at the college for less than 12 consecutive months, work less than half time, hold a limited-term position of from one to three years, or hold a temporary position, you are not eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Bank. In these instances, you may be able to use available personal time or vacation, or request Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave or an unpaid leave. See the sections Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Short–Term Absence Without Pay for more information.


The Sick Leave Bank membership year runs from January 1 through December 31.

Initial option to join or decline

On the first of the month following your one-year anniversary, you will be sent notification that you are eligible to join the Sick Leave Bank.  You can either join or decline membership at that time.  If you elect to join, there is an initial donation requirement of one day of your sick leave.

Annual enrollment period to join or withdraw

An open enrollment period is held annually in the fall; materials are sent to eligible employees with dates for open enrollment. During the enrollment period, eligible employees may elect to join, withdraw, or choose no change in membership from the Sick Leave Bank. If no changes are indicated during the open enrollment period, you will automatically retain your current membership status pending donation requirement, when relevant.

Membership Donations

If you join the Sick Leave Bank on your initial option, on the first of the month following your one-year anniversary, the donation will be one day of sick time.  In addition, throughout the membership year, the Office of Human Resources will evaluate the Sick Leave Bank balance.  Based on the quarterly balance donation guidelines (see below), a subsequent donation may be required.

If you join or renew membership at the annual enrollment period, for the upcoming membership year, the donation requirement will be as follows:

  • If you were previously eligible for membership in the Bank, and are not currently a member, the number of days you would have donated since you were most recently eligible will be required at this time – up to a maximum of 10 days.
  • In addition, throughout the membership year, the Office of Human Resources will evaluate the Sick Leave Bank balance.  Based on the quarterly balance donation guidelines (see below), a subsequent donation may be required.

Quarterly Balance Donation Guidelines

Sick Leave Bank Hours Balance Required Donation
Fewer than 0 or negative balance 3 days
0–499 hours 2 days
500–1,199 hours 1 day
Greater than 1,200 hours 0 days

February 26, 2024 : The balance of the sick bank is at 846.88 hours

Please refer to the Quarterly Balance Donation Guidelines above for more information.

The balance will be updated in July.

Terms and Conditions

As a member of the Sick Leave Bank, you may apply for up to 60 days of additional sick leave per a rolling twelve-month look-back period. A request can be made at any time once it is established that your absence will extend more than two weeks. 

In considering your application, the Office of Human Resources will review the amount of other paid time to which you may be entitled. An award of Sick Leave Bank days plus your own sick leave may not exceed the six-month waiting period (approximately 180 days) for the college's Long-Term Disability Insurance Plan.

You will not be denied continued membership in the Bank if you have no sick leave days to donate, when and if additional days are assessed.  However, you will be considered a member “not in good standing”, until you donate the additional day(s).  If a member is “not in good standing,” the member is not allowed to use days from the Sick Leave Bank.  A member becomes “not in good standing” when they do not have enough sick time accrued to fulfill to donation requirement, or if they have used the maximum of 60 days of time from the Sick Leave Bank over the past 12 months. 

If you are drawing on the Sick Leave Bank and accrue additional vacation or sick time, that time will be applied to your timesheet prior to adding Sick Leave Bank hours.

Application and Authorization Process

To apply for a grant of Sick Leave Bank days, you must contact the Office of Human Resources, and must be on an approved medical leave. Please note that before you may receive days from the Sick Leave Bank, you must have exhausted all of your sick, vacation, and personal time.

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